Local Buying Tips

First, decide how much home you can afford.  The best thing to do is to decide what payment you are comfortable paying.  Next, develop a wish list of what you'd like your home to have.  Then, prioritize the features on your list.  Select three or four neighborhoods you'd like to live in.  Consider items such as schools, recreational facilities, are expansion plans, and safety.  Determine if you have enough saved to cover you down-payment and closing costs.  There are several local grant programs that can help with these costs if you qualify!  Next, get your credit in order.  Obtain a copy of your credit report.  Determine how large of a mortgage you qualify for.  Also explore different loan options and decide what is best for you.  Organize all of the documentation a lender will need to pre-approve you for a loan.  Calculate the costs of homeownership, including property taxes, insurance, maintenance, and association fees, if applicable.  Right now, in some areas, it is cheaper to owner a home then paying rent.  The Final step is to call me, an experienced REALTOR, who can help you though this process.  If you would like a copy of my Homebuyer's Guide simply click the contact me button.